Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I. Hate. Sewing. (Also, Finished Bookmarks #1)

Well, I tried adding some numbers in Photoshop to the bottom of the photo, but they look soooo small . . .

These four bookmarks are from a piece that I didn't like how it turned out overall. They are OK as bookmarks, I think. Since I already had them basically finished, I just had to cut them out, add glitter spray, and paint the backs. This is why these were ready for sewing before some of the other bookmarks I've been blogging about. Those are coming along too but are not quite at this stage. More on those in the coming days.

I experimented on a piece of fabric before I started stitching these, but I guess the fabric bunched up. The Lutradur, however, most certainly does NOT. That means that I didn't think the border would be too wide, but it was!

My first try, the (1) bookmark on the left has a verrrry wide border. Machine was set to width of 5. Yikes. Try (2) was a width of 4. Still too much. Try (3) was a width of 3 1/2. Better. So I did (4) the same way.

NOTE TO SELF: Set width no wider than 3 1/2 for small projects.

And to my dismay, Needleroozer was right, and I had to go around twice. That's a lot of thread, and a lot of time. Just these four took me almost an hour! And I had to reload the bobbin (it had a lot of thread on it to start with, too). Waaaah.

This part of a L&L project is too much like work: I. Hate. Sewing.

Since it was sunny and fairly warm, I gave my children some time off of inside school and let them play outside in the dirt pit (a favorite spot). This is how I had time to work on the bookmarks in the middle of the day! ; )

However, the sunny day and the sewing reminded me that I really need to do some sewing for DD this spring. Ack.

So I guess after I get these bookmarks done I need to take a break from L&L and do some sewing.

I. Hate. Sewing.

Did I mention that I strongly dislike sewing? Oh, I guess I did. Sorry. End of rant.

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