Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Bookmark with gold flakes

Here are two photos of the same piece.  The top photo shows the detail better, but the bottom photo (although slightly blurry) shows the colors more "true to life."  I experimented with gold flakes from the papermaking aisle at Michael's on this piece.  I experimented with gold flakes on another piece, but they looked awful.  However, rubbed into the hem-type-lace on this piece, they looked really interesting.  Of course, they have to be added at the last stage.  I think the key is actually rubbing them in, not having them "sit" on top.  I might try another piece with hem lace as a background texture, but I'll run it all the way past the edges and then trim.  I don't like the edges as they show here.  But overall, I think this bookmark turned out pretty well, and it's flatter than the other attempt.  My DH wants this bookmark and plans to trim the edges off, which is perfectly fine with me.

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