Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Here are a couple of bookmarks that I made for my children. Mr. Boy's favorite color is blue, so I gave him a blue and gold one. Here I was trying for some more scrim stripes, but I tried to do it with too much "gather." Next time I'll cut back. The bookmark looks fine and works fine, but it would be a mistake on a larger piece. My girly-girl loves pink, but I couldn't resist an undercoat of blue on it as well. The hem lace laid in strips is my second subtle background concept that I want to try behind a lace medallion piece. I like the way it turned out. You can highlight or tone down the lace as much as you want. The hem lace does seem to want to make the piece curl up a little--I don't know if that's just because the piece is so small. I guess I'll find out later when I try a larger piece!

I didn't put anything that "sticks out" on either bookmark based on my lesson learned a few weeks ago. Since they are for the children, they will see some hard use, so I wanted them to be durable.

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