Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Trial In Situ

We had the rarest of rarities here today in the Northwest--a SUNNY January Saturday! So I asked my DH to hold up the piece against the wall where it will be going so I could photograph it "in situ." A little Latin lingo, there.

Above I included a couple of different shots, uncropped, to try to show the wall color. It, like the Lutradur & Lace, does not photograph well. It is a medium mauvy tone with a burgundy tinge as well. The third shot shows more of a closeup to see the colors together.

I also took the plunge at Needleroozer's suggestion and did zig-zag stitching to finish the edges. It was a little tough at top and bottom where the lace goes to the edge and is thick. Don't look too closely! I'm not sure yet if I like it, but I need some distance and time from the piece to decide. I still might fool a little with a few of the flowers, but otherwise I think I'm done. I need to make sleeves for the back and get some dowels and paint them. I have a nice cord to hang it with.

1 comment:

Needleroozer said...

It looks very good on your wall, and the stitching gives it such a refined, "finished" look to it. Very nice work!