Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Weak Wash and Accenting of Wall Hanging

This morning, I took a picture of the effects of the weak wash. Now, I'm not sure how apparent the change is from the photos (yesterday's vs. today's), but in person, the effect subtlely seems more "pulled together." It's a good start.
Here's a closeup:
Then, I lightly brushed with an almost dry round sponge over the top of the wide lace. I tried my finger, but it was verrrry slow. Making sure the sponge was almost dry was key, as well as just gliding it over the top of the lace carefully, making sure the color stayed just on top. I like how it turned out. Then, I also added some pink in some areas and one a few flowers. Again, the effect is subtle. I think it adds some depth to the piece. Here's an overall shot and then a closeup:

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